2025 |
Incursions of Belenois aurota (Fabricius, 1793), a vigorous, tropical migrant pierid, have become more common in recent years in countries of the southern Levant, with rare appearances in south-eastern Türkiye. Here, we report on the species presence in other Levant countries of the eastern Mediterranean, including Mediterranean Syria and, for the first time, in Cyprus, on which island B. aurota was discovered in 2023. We also report on experiences in south-eastern Türkiye, where, during the same autumn period, extensive breeding resulted in at least three local broods leading to significant population irruptions and dispersal. Likely migration routes via the Jordan Rift Valley System into countries of the Levant are discussed, and we introduce an additional migratory route east of the Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon and Silsilat al-Jibal as-Sa.iliyah (Latakia) mountain ranges, not previously recognized to our knowledge. The value of the Tigris River as a conduit for migrant butterflies from the Middle East into the provinces of south-eastern Türkiye had previously been documented and is again well illustrated by numerous observations in southeastern Türkiye along the river’s route south from its origins in the mountains of eastern Türkiye. Although B. aurota is recognized as an obligate migrant, it is considered that 2023 weather systems assisted the arrival of the species into the northern Levant and south-eastern Türkiye. |
John, E., Houkes, J. & Salmela, T. 2024. Rediscovery of Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) in Cyprus. Phegea 52(1) 43–46. |
Abstract |
We report on the presence of Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) in the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus. Although a very common species in parts of Europe, I. lathonia was not recorded in Cyprus until 2016, when a singleton was seen. No further observations of this rare species in Cyprus were reported until April 2023, when further singletons were observed by two of the authors of this paper. It is hoped that by creating awareness of the rarity of Issoria lathonia in Cyprus, further reports might be forthcoming. |
John, E., Aksoylu, E. Baðlar, H. & ffrench-Constant, R. 2023. Larval polymorphism in Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) and the reappearance of its mimic Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae) in Cyprus. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 159: 217–230. |
Abstract |
We describe several unusual aspects of the Cyprus population of Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758). We discuss larval colour polymorphism in this species that appears frequent in the Mediterranean basin. In contrast, the green larval morph appears rare in Africa despite much larger population sizes. This green larval morph was discovered in Cyprus in 2023, following an unusually large northerly spring migration across the island. The colour and pattern of this morph is not affected by rearing conditions and is thus likely a stable genetic variant, rather than a polyphenism, which varies with rearing temperature. We also describe a previously unreported aspect of behaviour in which adult butterflies probe with their proboscis at larvae of conspecifics. Finally, we report the reappearance of the mimic Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) that was last reported from the island in 1936. |
Following the arrival in Cyprus of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 in the autumn of 2021, an unusually severe winter in the eastern Mediterranean in 2021/2022 raised concern about the ability of the taxon to overwinter successfully, as had been achieved in Mediterranean Turkey and Syria in recent years. In Cyprus, early observations in April 2022, followed by the appearance of a new generation in June, allayed such concerns, and are reported upon here. |
John, E., Basbay, O., Salimeh, M. & Baglar, H. 2022. Where next? The seemingly inexorable spread of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lime Swallowtail) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in countries of the eastern Mediterranean and its arrival in Cyprus in 2021. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society 81: 59–68. |
Abstract |
Recent years have witnessed considerable range expansion of the migratory Indo-Australian papilionid Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 from the Gulf States. Following dispersal / migration into central Syria, a rapid and extensive colonisation of the eastern Mediterranean coastlines of Syria soon ensued, with penetration into neighbouring regions of Turkey and Lebanon. Further westward spread had been anticipated and here we report on the species’ first appearance in Cyprus. We hypothesise that westward trans-Mediterranean migration brought small numbers of immigrants to the island, and from the pristine nature of the individuals, it is considered that those seen in August 2021 were the progeny of an earlier, unnoticed migration. We also record the Levant’s first known example of marine puddling by P. demoleus. |
John, E., Salimeh, M., Basbay, O. & Wiemers, M. 2021. Determination by molecular analysis of the presence of nominate Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Mediterranean Syria and of confirmed range expansion of this swallowtail species into Lebanon. Entomologist’s Gazette 72: 137–146. |
Abstract |
By means of molecular analysis, we confirm nominotypical Papilio demoleus demoleus as the subspecies to have invaded and spread extensively throughout Syria’s major citrus-growing regions in the Mediterranean, in little over a year. We discuss the species’ range expansion in the Middle East, its discovery in Lebanon and its likely further spread along eastern, southern and northern coasts of the Mediterranean. |
Basbay, O. & John, E. 2021. A review of current range expansion of Cacyreus marshalli Butler, 1898 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae) in western Turkey. Entomologist’s Gazette 72: 59–63. |
Abstract |
We review the continuing and extensive spread of Papilio demoleus in south-eastern Turkey and in regions of Turkey and Syria adjacent to the north-eastern Mediterranean. Since the authors documented the arrival of this attractive but potentially destructive papilionid species at coastal areas of Syria in 2019, regular monitoring has confirmed successful overwintering there, as well as in Turkey. As previously indicated, P. demoleus is widely recognized as an invasive pest species in Citrus -growing areas of the world and hence its arrival is of potential economic importance to a region in which citrus is widely grown. |
Abstract |
We review the known biotopes of Aricia teberdina nahizerica in Turkey, including those mentioned in the literature, and discuss our attempts at monitoring the effects of human-based activities on these biotopes. Forty years have elapsed since the first description of subspecies nahizerica (Eckweiler, 1978). During this 40-year period, and increasingly so during the past 10 years, construction and agricultural activities have increased enormously at the biotopes. Our target species was finally found after seven years of searching that involved over 300 visits to over 70 different sites. Although it is still possible to find the subspecies at the previously observed biotopes, it is very clear that the increasingly negative influences caused by human intervention will further threaten its existence in the near future. The conservation status was determined as ‘Endangered’ in the Red List of Turkey in 2011. |
Basbay, O., Salimeh, M. & John, E. 2020. Preliminary note on the range expansion of Papilio demoleus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in south-eastern Turkey, and on the first documented arrival of this invasive species at the Mediterranean coast of Syria. Phegea 48: 20–21. |
Kudrna, O. 2002. The Distribution Atlas of European Butterflies. Oedippus, Nr. 20. |
(Provision of records for Cyprus.) |
Van Swaay, C., Cuttelod., A., Collins, S., Maes, D., López Munguira, M., Šašiæ, M., Settele, J., Verovnik, R., Verstrael, T., Warren, M., Wiemers, M. and Wynhoff, I. 2010. European Red List of Butterflies. (Provision of Cyprus data.) |
Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Peks I.K., Schwanfeld, Germany. 632 pp. (Provision of Cyprus data.) |
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Vane-Wright, R. I. & John, E. 2019. A note on Papilio aegyptius Schreber, 1759, and its synonymy with Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae). Entomologist’s Gazette Entomologist’s Gazette 70: 147–154. |
northwestern Turkey. Entomologist’s Gazette 69: 85–97. |
2015 |
John, E., Wiemers, M., Makris, C. & Russell, P. 2013. The Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777) / Pontia daplidice (Linnaeus, 1758) complex: confirmation of the presence of Pontia daplidice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Cyprus, and of Cleome iberica DC. as a new host-plant for this species in the Levant. Entomologist’s Gazette 64: 69–78. |
2012: |
John, E., Cottle, N., McArthur, A. & Makris, C. 2008. Eastern Mediterranean migrations of the Small White Pieris rapae (Linnaeus,1758) (Lepidoptera:Pieridae): observations from Cyprus 2001 and 2007. Entomologist’s Gazette 59: 71–78. |
A review of records for Colias erate (Esper, [1805]) (Lep.: Papilionoidea Pieridae) in Cyprus: were they all yellow forms of Colias croceus (Geoffroy, 1785)? Entomologist’s Gazette 57: 3-12. |
Wakeham-Dawson, A., Parker, R., John, E. & Dennis, R. L. H. 2003. Comparison of the male genitalia and androconia of Pseudochazara anthelea acamanthis (Rebel, 1916) from Cyprus, Pseudochazara anthelea anthelea (Hübner, [1924]) from mainland Turkey and Pseudochazara anthelea amalthea (Frivaldsky, 1845) from mainland Greece (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Nota lepid. 25 (4), 251-263. |
John, E. & Parker, R. 2002. Dispersal of Hipparchia cypriensis (Holik, 1949) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyridae) in Cyprus, with notes on its Ecology and Life-history. Entomologist’s Gazette 53: 3-18. |