Cyprus Butterflies by Eddie John F. L. S., F. R. E. S.

A Guide to the Butterflies of Cyprus,

Cyprus Butterfly Recording Scheme and

Cyprus Butterfly Study Group


This page lists publications on the butterflies of
CYPRUS AND THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, involving the website’s author.

John, E., Almatni, W. & Salimeh, M. 2025. Migration of Belenois aurota (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Syria: implications for the caper industry? Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 161: 2–12.
We report on migration/dispersal in Syria of Belenois aurota, a tropical migrant pierid. The routes followed to the east of the Anti-Lebanon and Silsilat al-Jibâl as-Sâilîyah (Latakia) mountain ranges, indicate the use of previously undocumented migratory pathways into northwestern Syria with potential for further incursion into Mediterranean provinces of Türkiye. The hostplants in Syria are species of Capparis., a source of economic benefit to those foraging caper buds in northwestern governates of the country. However, we consider the threat to Capparis spp. posed by migrant B. aurota currently to be secondary to that of the proliferating Stenozygum coloratum, now a very common resident pentatomid.

John, E., Basbay, O., Kaymaz, N., Aksoylu, E., Baðlar, H. & Salimeh, M. 2024. From small beginnings… population explosions of migrant Belenois aurota (Fabricius, 1793) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Türkiye, with rare observations in Syria and a first record for Cyprus. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 160: 81–100.

Incursions of Belenois aurota (Fabricius, 1793), a vigorous, tropical migrant pierid, have become more common in recent years in countries of the southern Levant, with rare appearances in south-eastern Türkiye. Here, we report on the species presence in other Levant countries of the eastern Mediterranean, including Mediterranean Syria and, for the first time, in Cyprus, on which island B. aurota was discovered in 2023. We also report on experiences in south-eastern Türkiye, where, during the same autumn period, extensive breeding resulted in at least three local broods leading to significant population irruptions and dispersal. Likely migration routes via the Jordan Rift Valley System into countries of the Levant are discussed, and we introduce an additional migratory route east of the Lebanon, Anti-Lebanon and Silsilat al-Jibal as-Sa.iliyah (Latakia) mountain ranges, not previously recognized to our knowledge. The value of the Tigris River as a conduit for migrant butterflies from the Middle East into the provinces of south-eastern Türkiye had previously been documented and is again well illustrated by numerous observations in southeastern Türkiye along the river’s route south from its origins in the mountains of eastern Türkiye. Although B. aurota is recognized as an obligate migrant, it is considered that 2023 weather systems assisted the arrival of the species into the northern Levant and south-eastern Türkiye.

John, E., Houkes, J. & Salmela, T. 2024. Rediscovery of Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) in Cyprus. Phegea 52(1) 43–46.


We report on the presence of Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) in the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus. Although a very common species in parts of Europe, I. lathonia was not recorded in Cyprus until 2016, when a singleton was seen. No further observations of this rare species in Cyprus were reported until April 2023, when further singletons were observed by two of the authors of this paper. It is hoped that by creating awareness of the rarity of Issoria lathonia in Cyprus, further reports might be forthcoming.


John, E., Aksoylu, E. Baðlar, H. & ffrench-Constant, R. 2023. Larval polymorphism in Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) and the reappearance of its mimic Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae) in Cyprus. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 159: 217–230.


We describe several unusual aspects of the Cyprus population of Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758). We discuss larval colour polymorphism in this species that appears frequent in the Mediterranean basin. In contrast, the green larval morph appears rare in Africa despite much larger population sizes. This green larval morph was discovered in Cyprus in 2023, following an unusually large northerly spring migration across the island. The colour and pattern of this morph is not affected by rearing conditions and is thus likely a stable genetic variant, rather than a polyphenism, which varies with rearing temperature. We also describe a previously unreported aspect of behaviour in which adult butterflies probe with their proboscis at larvae of conspecifics. Finally, we report the reappearance of the mimic Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764) that was last reported from the island in 1936.

John, E., Ba
ðlar, H., Konstantinou, G. 2023. Has Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) succeeded in becoming established in Cyprus? Evidence from citizen science reports in 2022. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 159: 87–95.
Overwintering success of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758, a recently arrived Swallowtail to the Mediterranean basin, has been such that we are able to report on dispersal of the species into 50×5km2-UTM squares in Cyprus. Citizen science reports, appropriately verified, have been invaluable in assessing the spread of a papilionid that was first reported from Cyprus in August 2021. These observations, supplemented by others from members of the Cyprus Butterfly Study Group, point to a known area of occupation representing ca. 11% of the island in just one year. However, the distances separating observations from the main concentration in central/eastern areas of the island with those reported from coasts around the island, strongly support a belief that
the species has a far greater distribution in Cyprus. In turn, as the species has survived throughout an unusually cold winter during 2021/2022, this leads us to hypothesize that a successful, potentially permanent, range expansion has been achieved. Until more is known about the adaptation of
P. demoleus to pertaining environmental conditions in Cyprus, where five annual generations appear achievable, we urge caution before the tag of ‘pest species’, as applied in other parts of the world, is attached to P. demoleus in Mediterranean regions.

John, E. & Kolokotronis, D.
2023. First record of Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) for Cyprus. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 159: 59–65.
We report the discovery of non-native Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857, (Leafhopper Assassin Bug) new to Cyprus, and discuss the species’ known presence in the eastern Mediterranean. As reported elsewhere, arrival is considered to have been human assisted, the early stages passively carried on imported nursery stock.

John, E., Baglar, H., Konstantinou, G., Basbay, O. & Salimeh, M. 2022.
Early observations confirm overwintering success of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in 2021/2022, enhancing potential for establishment in Cyprus. Entomologist’s Gazette 73: 150–154.

Following the arrival in Cyprus of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 in the autumn of 2021, an unusually severe winter in the eastern Mediterranean in 2021/2022 raised concern about the ability of the taxon to overwinter successfully, as had been achieved in Mediterranean Turkey and Syria in recent years. In Cyprus, early observations in April 2022, followed by the appearance of a new generation in June, allayed such concerns, and are reported upon here.

John, E., Basbay, O., Salimeh, M. & Baglar, H. 2022. Where next? The seemingly inexorable spread of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lime Swallowtail) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in countries of the eastern Mediterranean and its arrival in Cyprus in 2021. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society 81: 59–68.

ohn, E., Baglar, H., Basbay, O., Konstantinou, G., Salimeh, M. & Wiemers, M. 2022. Confirmation of nominotypical subspecies Papilio demoleus demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Cyprus, with additional notes on breeding and potential colonization. Entomologist’s Gazette 73: 117–128.
The arrival of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 in Cyprus in 2021 signalled the species’ first appearance in a country of the European Union attributable to range expansion from mainland coastal regions to the east, rather than by human-mediated activity. Molecular work on the Cyprus taxon has shown this to belong to nominotypical P. demoleus demoleus, matching exactly results of similar work carried out on specimens from Mediterranean Syria. Breeding of Papilio demoleus on three species of Citrus at various urban locations in Cyprus has been confirmed, and from which observations it is apparent that two broods were achieved in late summer/autumn of 2021. As has been the experience in neighbouring Mediterranean Turkey and Syria, overwintering success is thought likely.

John, E. & Coutsis, J. G.
2022. Observations suggesting extended pupal diapause in Pontia chloridice (Hübner, [1813]) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Pierinae) in Cyprus and Greece. Phegea 50(1), 4–8.
The autumn disappearance of Pontia chloridice from known sites in Cyprus suggests an ability of the species to remain in facultative pupal diapause during periods of unfavourable conditions, as is known with at least one other congeneric species. It is thought that P. chloridice is not migratory in the eastern Mediterranean, and that populations in Cyprus and NE Greece do not depend on reinforcement from immigration.

John, E., Baglar, H., Basbay, O. & Salimeh, M. 2021. First appearance in Cyprus of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), as it continues its predicted westward spread in the Palearctic region. Entomologist’s Gazette 72: 257–264.


Recent years have witnessed considerable range expansion of the migratory Indo-Australian papilionid Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 from the Gulf States. Following dispersal / migration into central Syria, a rapid and extensive colonisation of the eastern Mediterranean coastlines of Syria soon ensued, with penetration into neighbouring regions of Turkey and Lebanon. Further westward spread had been anticipated and here we report on the species’ first appearance in Cyprus. We hypothesise that westward trans-Mediterranean migration brought small numbers of immigrants to the island, and from the pristine nature of the individuals, it is considered that those seen in August 2021 were the progeny of an earlier, unnoticed migration. We also record the Levant’s first known example of marine puddling by P. demoleus.

John, E., Salimeh, M., Basbay, O. & Wiemers, M. 2021. Determination by molecular analysis of the presence of nominate Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in Mediterranean Syria and of confirmed range expansion of this swallowtail species into Lebanon. Entomologist’s Gazette 72: 137–146.


By means of molecular analysis, we confirm nominotypical Papilio demoleus demoleus as the subspecies to have invaded and spread extensively throughout Syria’s major citrus-growing regions in the Mediterranean, in little over a year. We discuss the species’ range expansion in the Middle East, its discovery in Lebanon and its likely further spread along eastern, southern and northern coasts of the Mediterranean.

Basbay, O. & John, E. 2021. A review of current range expansion of Cacyreus marshalli Butler, 1898 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae) in western Turkey. Entomologist’s Gazette 72: 59–63.
In recent decades Cacyreus marshalli, an introduced alien lycaenid, has attracted attention due to its rapid spread throughout much of the Mediterranean and into mainland Europe. C. marshalli and more recently Papilio demoleus are invasive butterfly species actively expanding their ranges in the Mediterranean basin in recent years. In 2018, the authors participated in a paper describing the range expansion of C. marshalli in Greece and Turkey, since when the species has established a significant presence in Istanbul, in contrast to our expectations of eastward dispersal along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Here, we discuss the present status of C. marshalli in Turkey and consider the direction of possible future range extension.

Basbay, O., Salimeh, M. & John, E. 2020. Westward Palaearctic range expansion of Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) and its arrival at Mediterranean coastal regions of Turkey and Syria. Entomologist’s Gazette 71: 257–272.


We review the continuing and extensive spread of Papilio demoleus in south-eastern Turkey and in regions of Turkey and Syria adjacent to the north-eastern Mediterranean. Since the authors documented the arrival of this attractive but potentially destructive papilionid species at coastal areas of Syria in 2019, regular monitoring has confirmed successful overwintering there, as well as in Turkey. As previously indicated, P. demoleus is widely recognized as an invasive pest species in Citrus -growing areas of the world and hence its arrival is of potential economic importance to a region in which citrus is widely grown.

Basbay, O., Salkutlu, S., Yildirim, H., Korkmaz, Y. & John, E. 2020. A review of the current status of the endemic Aricia teberdina nahizerica (Eckweiler, 1978) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Type Locality, Erzurum Province, Turkey. Entomologist’s Gazette 71: 196–204.


We review the known biotopes of Aricia teberdina nahizerica in Turkey, including those mentioned in the literature, and discuss our attempts at monitoring the effects of human-based activities on these biotopes. Forty years have elapsed since the first description of subspecies nahizerica (Eckweiler, 1978). During this 40-year period, and increasingly so during the past 10 years, construction and agricultural activities have increased enormously at the biotopes. Our target species was finally found after seven years of searching that involved over 300 visits to over 70 different sites. Although it is still possible to find the subspecies at the previously observed biotopes, it is very clear that the increasingly negative influences caused by human intervention will further threaten its existence in the near future. The conservation status was determined as ‘Endangered’ in the Red List of Turkey in 2011.

Basbay, O., Salimeh, M. & John, E. 2020. Preliminary note on the range expansion of Papilio demoleus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in south-eastern Turkey, and on the first documented arrival of this invasive species at the Mediterranean coast of Syria. Phegea 48: 20–21.
The aim of this short note is to summarise recent reports of the extensive spread of Papilio demoleus in south-eastern Turkey and in regions adjacent to the north-eastern Mediterranean. P. demoleus, a papilionid of Oriental origin, is recognized in some Citrus-growing areas of the world as an invasive pest species and hence its arrival is of potential economic importance.

John, E., Basbay, O., Seven, E. & Kaymaz, N.
2020. Pontia glauconome (Klug, 1829) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Pierinae) in south-eastern Turkey: confirmation of breeding populations, with notes on the biology of early stages and on a species of the larval parasitoid Hyposoter Förster, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae). Entomologist’s Gazette 7: 27–44.
We report on the apparently successful overwintering in Batman and Siirt Provinces, Turkey of Pontia glauconome, a pierid recorded in south-eastern Turkey for the first time in autumn 2016. Details of recent field observations of P. glauconome are provided and we discuss and illustrate early stages found on Reseda aucheri, a possible new host-plant. The route by which P. glauconome may have entered the country along the Tigris River from Syria is proposed. Larvae were found to have been attacked by a hymenopteran parasitoid species of the genus Hyposoter; the ‘mummified’ larval skin and the adult parasitoid are illustrated.

John, E., Hardman, M. & Smith, M. 2019. How important are olfactory cues for host-plant detection by migrating Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) in Cyprus? Entomologist’s Gazette 70: 223–238.
Danaus chrysippus, a species associated in the region with low migrant numbers, has appeared at a small biotope in Cyprus in each of the five years, 2014-2018. We present the results of monitoring at the site and suggest that detection of plant volatiles, perhaps in combination with the presence of male pheromones, assist migrating D. chrysippus to detect small stands of the host-plant Cynanchum acutum, enabling the establishment of temporary populations on the island. We also refer to the recent appearance in Cyprus of D. c. chrysippus f. ‘alcippus’.

McArthur, A. & John, E. 2019. Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Pierinae): a further note on trans-Mediterranean spring migrations from Cyprus. Entomologist’s Gazette 70: 244.

John, E., Hawkes, W. L. S. & Walliker, E. J. 2019. A review of Mediterranean records of Catopsilia florella (Fabricius, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Coliadinae), with notes on the spring 2019 arrival in Cyprus of this Afrotropical migrant. Phegea 47: (3) 80–86.
We review early reports of
Catopsilia florella from central areas of the Mediterranean and comment on the first recorded spring arrival of C. florella in Cyprus. The species’ appearance coincided with a substantial migration of Vanessa cardui and other insects across the eastern Mediterranean in spring 2019, in which C. florella was most likely a participant. With increasing temperatures in the region and the incursion of other Afrotropical butterfly species into the eastern Mediterranean in recent decades, the possibilities for future establishment of florella are discussed.


Bibliography (Cont.)


Makris, C. 2003. Butterflies of Cyprus, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. (Editing, authorship of some pages and provision of Distribution Maps.)

Kudrna, O. 2002. The Distribution Atlas of European Butterflies. Oedippus, Nr. 20.

(Provision of records for Cyprus.)

Van Swaay, C., Cuttelod., A., Collins, S., Maes, D., López Munguira, M., Šašiæ, M., Settele, J., Verovnik, R., Verstrael, T., Warren, M., Wiemers, M. and Wynhoff, I. 2010. European Red List of Butterflies. (Provision of Cyprus data.)

Kudrna, O., Harpke, A., Lux, K., Pennerstorfer, J., Schweiger, O.,Settele, J. & Wiemers, M. 2011. Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Europe. GfS, Halle, Germany. 576 pp. (Provision of Cyprus data.)

Kudrna, O., Pennerstorfer, J. & Lux, K. 2015. Distribution Atlas of European butterflies and skippers.

Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Peks I.K., Schwanfeld, Germany. 632 pp. (Provision of Cyprus data.)


A list of other publications relevant to the eastern Mediterranean and countries of the Middle East appears on Page 5.1.

Vane-Wright, R. I. & John, E. 2019. A note on Papilio aegyptius Schreber, 1759, and its synonymy with Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae). Entomologist’s Gazette Entomologist’s Gazette 70: 147–154.
In this paper, we seek to predicate the status of Papilio aegyptius Schreber, 1759, as a junior subjective synonym of Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758). As early as 1764, these taxa were synonymised by Linnaeus, but the name aegyptius was later revived by Hans Fruhstorfer in ‘Seitz’ to represent a ‘race’ of D. chrysippus found in the Eastern Mediterranean, including Egypt and also the Sudan. George Talbot subsequently used the name for one of seven subspecies of Danaus chrysippus he recognised. In the 1970s, work by Jacques Pierre persuaded other authors to regard ssp. aegyptius as the pan-Afrotropical subspecies, contrary to Talbot’s view of ssp. aegyptius being limited to only part of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. The ‘Pierre classification’ was quite widely followed for about 20 years. There are now two different, rival systems for African D. chrysippus: the ‘Larsen classification’, which includes all populations in a greatly expanded ssp. chrysippus, and the ‘Smith classification’, which divides African D. chrysippus into four named semispecies together with a large ‘hybrid zone’. Both classifications agree, however, in placing both Egyptian and Eastern Mediterranean populations in the nominotypical taxon. In ‘Butterflies of Turkey’, Gerhard Hesselbarth, Harry van Oorschot & Sigbert Wagener placed Papilio aegyptius as a junior subjective synonym of Danaus chrysippus chrysippus, an action since independently supported by David Smith and his co-workers. A brief account of events leading to the return to synonymy of D. chrysippus aegyptius under the nominotypical subspecies is presented. In this history, differing interpretations of the type locality of Danaus chrysippus play a key role.

John, E. & Vane-Wright, R. I.
2019. Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) ff. ‘alcippus’ and ‘alcippoides’ (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) from Cyprus. Entomologist’s Gazette Entomologist’s Gazette 70: 135–146.
We report a recent observation of D. c. chrysippus f. ‘alcippus’ in Cyprus, a variant of the Plain Tiger or African Queen butterfly infrequently seen in the Mediterranean, especially in the east of the region. D. c. chrysippus f. ‘alcippus’ appears to have been recorded from Cyprus on just one previous occasion, by R E Ellison, in 1939. However, a specimen of the similar f. ‘alcippoides’ collected by D M A Bate in Cyprus in 1901 could perhaps be the source of Ellison’s otherwise undocumented claim. These records are assessed in relation to the known distributions of the various forms of D. chrysippus across the Mediterranean, North Africa and Middle East, and more briefly with respect to the vast range of this butterfly across much of the Old World tropics and subtropics. The ambiguity and potential confusion caused by using an available name to designate both a geographically circumscribed subspecies or semispecies, and a genetically controlled phenotype that can be found far beyond the range of the putative subspecies or semispecies, is also discussed.

John, E. & Dennis, R. L. H. 2019. Post-aestivation puddling by female Chazara briseis larnacana (Oberthür, 1909) and Maniola cypricola (Graves, 1928) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae): influences and implications. Entomologist’s Gazette 70: 97–109.
Mud-puddling by female Lepidoptera is rarely reported. In this paper, post-aestivation puddling by females of Chazara briseis larnacana and Maniola cypricola as a possible means of enhancing fecundity is discussed. Both are long-lived Cyprus endemics that mate in spring but undergo arrested ovarian development pending the return of more favourable conditions for larval survival in the autumn. The delay between mating and ovipositing appears to indicate a need for post-aestivation females to puddle in order to replenish depleted resources initially gained at the larval stages and through the transfer of minerals and nutrients via the spermatophore at mating. A first known report of marine (seawater) puddling by C. briseis is also discussed, as is the importance of Dittrichia viscosa as a late-season nectar resource for many species of butterfly.


John, E., Thomas, B., Basbay, O., Cebeci, Z., & Coutsis, J. G. 2018. The arrival of Cacyreus marshalli Butler, 1898 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae) in Crete, with additional notes on range expansion in Greece and along coastal areas of

northwestern Turkey. Entomologist’s Gazette 69: 85–97.

John, E., Basbay, O. & Seven, E.
2018. Pontia glauconome Klug, 1829 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae, Pierinae): a preliminary note on the species’ first recorded presence in Turkey. Entomologist’s Gazette 69: 64.


Book chapter:
John, E. & Skule, B. 2016. Lepidoptera (pages 269-383). In: Sparrow, D. J. & John, E. (Eds.) An Introduction to the Wildlife of Cyprus. Terra Cypria, Cyprus. 895 pp.

John, E., Sparrow, D. J. & Sparrow, R. 2015. Migration of Lepidoptera In the vicinity of Cyprus, eastern Mediterranean, in April 2014. Entomologist's Gazette 66: 255–262.

John, E., Stefanescu, C., Honey, M. R., Crawford, M. & Taylor, D. 2015. Ceremonial releases of Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danainae) in the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and Cyprus: implications for biogeography, potential for colonisation and a provisional listing of Asclepiadoideae from these regions. Entomologist’s Gazette 66: 141–156.


John, E., Wiemers, M., Makris, C. & Russell, P. 2013. The Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777) / Pontia daplidice (Linnaeus, 1758) complex: confirmation of the presence of Pontia daplidice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Cyprus, and of Cleome iberica DC. as a new host-plant for this species in the Levant. Entomologist’s Gazette 64: 69–78.

John, E., Makris, C. & Christofides, Y.
Cleome iberica DC.: a new host-plant for Pontia chloridice (Hübner, [1813]) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the Levant and its influence on the butterfly’s phenology in Cyprus. Entomologist's Gazette 64: 19–26.

John, E. & Tennent, W. J. 2012. Marine (seawater) puddling by butterflies: is the sea an under-utilised sodium resource? Entomologist's Gazette 63: 134–-145.

John, E. & Tamson, S. 2011. Predation of an African Grass Blue Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865) by the crab spider Thomisus onustus (Walckenaer, 1805) in Cyprus. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society 70: 224–225.

John, E., Haines, D. H. & Haines, H. M.,
2011. Chazara persephone (Hübner, 1803) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae) - has the species retained a secretive presence in Cyprus for one hundred years? Entomologist's Gazette 62: 79–82.

John, E., Gascoigne-Pees, M. & Larsen, T. B. 2010. Ypthima asterope (Klug, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae): its biogeography, lifecycle, ecology and present status in Cyprus, with additional notes from Rhodes and the eastern Mediterranean. Entomologist's Gazette 61: 1–22.

John, E. & Merit, X. 2008. Chilades galba (LEDERER, 1855) and Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758): significant contributions to the Cyprus Butterfly Recording Scheme, April / May 2008. Atalanta 39. Band, Heft 1–4: 165–171.

Dennis, R. L. H., Dapporto, L., Shreeve, T. G., John, E., Coutsis, J. G., Kudrna, O., Saarinen, K. & Ryrholm, N. 2008. Butterflies of European islands: the implications of the geography and ecology of rarity and endemicity for conservation. In: Insect Conservation and Islands. New, T. R. (Ed). 2008. Springer, Dordrecht.

John, E., Russell, P., Hall, D. & Christofides, Y.
2008. Notes on the life history, ecology and distribution of Pontia chloridice (Hübner, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), and a first record of Hyposoter ebenitor (Aubert, 1972) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in Cyprus. Entomologist’s Gazette 59: 209–226.

John, E. & Dennis, R. L. H. 2008. Internet resources for identifying geographical coordinates: a brief overview of some of the available websites. Entomologist’s Gazette 59: 175–183.

John, E., Cottle, N., McArthur, A. & Makris, C. 2008. Eastern Mediterranean migrations of the Small White Pieris rapae (Linnaeus,1758) (Lepidoptera:Pieridae): observations from Cyprus 2001 and 2007. Entomologist’s Gazette 59: 71–78.

John, E. 2007. Butterfly Recording in Cyprus. Butterfly (The Magazine of Butterfly Conservation, UK) Issue 96, Autumn 2007.

John, E.
2007. Butterflies of Cyprus: an update to the AES booklet (John 2000) with additional comments on endemism and threatened species, plus changes to the island’s butterfly checklist. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists’ Society 66, 140-150.

Benyamini, D., Bruschini, C., Serra, G. & John. E. 2007. First confirmed records of Papilio demoleus (Linnaeus 1758) in Syria, with comments on the species' appearance in Turkey and the Dominican Republic. News of the Israeli Lepidopterist’s Society 24(2): 4-11.

John, E., Coutsis, J. G. & Makris, C. 2006.

A review of records for Colias erate (Esper, [1805]) (Lep.: Papilionoidea Pieridae) in Cyprus: were they all yellow forms of Colias croceus (Geoffroy, 1785)? Entomologist’s Gazette 57: 3-12.

John, E. 2005. ‘Where to look for Butterflies’, article in MoD’s brochure ‘Searching for Wilderness’, published by the Western Sovereign Base Area, (Akrotiri) Cyprus.

John, E.
2005. Cyprus: a brief overview of its Butterflies and an introduction to the island’s Butterfly Recording Scheme. Antenna, Vol 29:33-37.

John, E. 2004. Butterfly Recording Scheme for Cyprus - a request for records. Entomologist’s Rec. J. var. Vol 116: 262.

John, E. & Parker, R. 2003. The Butterfly Year in Cyprus. Sanctuary, Number 32 (Ministry of Defence Conservation Magazine).

John, E. 2003. Chapter on Cyprus. In: van Swaay, C. & Warren, M. (eds): Prime Butterfly Areas in Europe: 150-151. Council of Europe. Wageningen.

Parker, R. & John, E. 2003. Fight behaviour of the Cyprus Grayling, Hipparchia cypriensis in the Troodos Mountains. Bull. amat. Ent. Soc., Vol. 62, No. 446: 27-30.

Wakeham-Dawson, A., Parker, R., John, E. & Dennis, R. L. H. 2003. Comparison of the male genitalia and androconia of Pseudochazara anthelea acamanthis (Rebel, 1916) from Cyprus, Pseudochazara anthelea anthelea (Hübner, [1924]) from mainland Turkey and Pseudochazara anthelea amalthea (Frivaldsky, 1845) from mainland Greece (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Nota lepid. 25 (4), 251-263.


John, E. & Parker, R. 2002. Dispersal of Hipparchia cypriensis (Holik, 1949) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyridae) in Cyprus, with notes on its Ecology and Life-history. Entomologist’s Gazette 53: 3-18.

John, E. & Makris, C. 2001. Libythea celtis (Laicharting 1782) (Lepidoptera: Libytheidae): Presence of a Breeding Colony in the Troodos Mountains, Cyprus. Entomologist’s Gazette 52: 173-180.

John, E.
2001. Migration of Vanessa cardui (L.) (Lep.: Nymphalidae) through Cyprus, March 2001. Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 113: 269-281.

John, E. 2001. Autumn Butterfly records from Cyprus, 2000. Bull. amat. Ent. Soc., Vol. 60, No. 436: 84-96.

John, E. 2000. Butterflies of Cyprus 1998 (Records of a year’s sightings). Bull. amat. Ent. Soc., Pamphlet No. 15:46 pp.